Birmingham, AL
May 24, 2025
This event convenes writers, literary nonprofits, journal publishers, book publishers, writing programs, and funders. Our aim is to listen to writers speak about what they need to thrive, understand the work that organizations and funders already do to support that goal, and synthesize findings to develop and grow bold new initiatives that nurture and embolden writers who live or work in the American South.
The Deep South has historically lagged other regions in terms of literary infrastructure, including access to publishing houses, agents, journals, and residency programs. In an era where storytelling has the power to unite and inspire or divide and demean, our goal is to take one big step to overcoming the historical and contemporary challenges that writers in the South face while gathering and amplifying a diverse array of voices from the region.
100 people will attend by way of invitation or application. No one will pay registration fees. Applications are now available on Submittable. Writers and organizers working in the South are encouraged to apply to attend the convening. A successful applicant will demonstrate a commitment to building literary community in the South and a commitment to active participation in the convening, bringing expertise from their work in their own communities.
Ashley M. Jones, Poet Laureate of Alabama, Executive Director of Magic City Poetry Festival
Meg Reid, Executive Director, Publisher, Hub City Press
John T Edge, Developer, Greenfield Farm Writers Residency, University of Mississippi
English Department, University of Alabama at Birmingham